Scratching Behavior in Cats

by Gayle DiMenna

Cats need to scratch with their claws for optimal physical and mental wellbeing. Scratching is an instinctive normal behavior for cats therefore it is unfair to try to prevent them from doing so.  Underlying motivations for scratching behavior include:

  • Relieving stress, frustration and/or excitement
  • Communicating territory with scent glands in paws and visual markers from claws
  • Nail care (sharpen and remove outer sheath)
  • Stretching muscles in legs and spine as well as flexing feet and claws
  • Fun, it feels good to them

Appropriate outlets for scratching behavior should be provided for your cat so they do not create their own ideas of where to scratch, such as your furniture or carpet.  If you have a multiple cat household, keep in mind that each cat has their own individual preferences and may not be attracted to the same type of post. Scratching posts may be vertical, horizontal or on an incline as well as circular, flat or curved. If the post is vertical, it should be tall enough for your cat stands on his back legs and stretch up to it with his front legs. It should also be sturdy so when your cat pulls on it with their claws, the post will not wobble or tumble over. Preferred textures may include sisal rope, woven sisal, corrugated cardboard, and even tree bark.  Be sure to keep your cat’s nails trimmed to prevent him from getting a claw stuck in a scratching post.

Location matters! In addition to characteristics of the physical scratching post, care must be taken as to where they are placed.  Place multiple posts throughout the house in convenient locations for each cat. A scratching post should be available next to where your cat likes to rest, areas of increased stress/tension and common living areas of the house. Encourage your cat’s scratching behavior in new locations by using treats, toys, catnip as well as praise to create fun experiences.

Focus your efforts in creating designated scratching areas your cat prefers.  Visit our Pinterest page for scratching post ideas and contact us if more assistance is needed.